Old Sliding Patio Door Replacement Handles | Old Canadian Patent

Price: $138.88
SKU: Old Canadian Patents Patio Door Handles


Old Sliding Patio Door Handle Replacements for Old Canadian Patent NumbersOld 1970's - 1980's Sliding Patio Door Handle Replacement Assembly for Old Canadian Patent # Assembly | Wood Sliding Patio Door Handle Set Replacement - SEE PICTURES BELOW - Deluxe wood handle set comes complete with inside and outside pulls and screws; BRONZE OR WHITE FINISH -- Wood / Clad Patio Door Handle Sets -  This assembly does NOT INCLUDE A "key lock / cylinder / keyway " .. However it does include the mortise lock as shown. These units may fit a number of old doors, several older models from 1970's to 1980's with Canadian Patent Stamping Codes. BE SURE TO LOOK AT MEASUREMENTS, and be Sure To Specify White in The Comment Section At Checkout - IF NOT WE SHIP BRONZE.






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