Marvin Window Glazing Bead VGBIOI | For 3/4" 11/16" IG Units

Price: $158.88
SKU: MV535 Glazing Bead


Window Glazing Bead for 3/4", 11/16", O.D. Thick IG (Insulated Glass) Units.

Minimum Order is Required.

Includes FORTY-EIGHT (48') Lineal Feet - EIGHT (8) Pieces @ 72" Length.


Non-Returnable Item as it is cut from longer lengths. Window Bead / Beading / Conversion Bead / Spline and Glazing Parts for Aluminum Clad and Wood Double Hung and Clad Basement Windows. Model # VIOI-48. NOTE: VERY LIMITED AVAILABILITY of colors - Pebble, White, Bronze and Brown. If We Do Not Have Your Color as Specified in the "comment section" at Checkout We Will Fill Order with Available Product and you may need to paint to match with a KRYLON Plastic Spray Paint.





