FAQ's Answers - old window and door parts for the D.I.Y. Home Owner | Old Windows Circa 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s


Get Help .. with replacement parts for windows and doors, circa the  1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s and much newer too!



Probably the number one issue and most frequently asked questions [FAQ] .. problems with old casement windows:


Q. The crank hardware sticks? What do I do?
Q. How do I oil or lube the operator on my casement window?
Q. How can I clean and lubricate the casement Roto-gear assembly?
Q. Why does the crank unit "clunk" when I try to crank it closed?
Q. The handle came out of my operator - what part do I order to fix this?
Q: I have casement windows that are hard to open / close - Is there a problem with the hardware?
Q. Should I be maintaining my casements on an annual basis in some way?
Q. Can I repair my windows myself? Or do I need to replace the windows?


ANSWERS: Casement and Awning windows have been around for a long time; longer than most of us, since the steel casement window was very common in homes built before WWII [World-War-Two] These were typically crank-outs with putty holding in individual pieces of glass; They were metal to metal and no weather strip at all. Most homes today have a mix of casements, awnings, double or single hungs, and fixed window units; Most people like casement windows for any number of reasons - maximum ventilation, ease of cleaning etc.

ISSUES: When you start looking for problem identification - you'll want to look for aswers to things like: (1) Why is the window crank hard to turn? (a) Debris, leaves, dirt jammed around parts of the operator? (b) loose or protruding screws in the slide hinge assembly? (c) Any loose hardware? Bent hardware? .. where the lever attaches to the sash? 


NEED MORE HELP? .. Send Some Pictures:  Info@AllWindowDoorParts.com



Getting the right answers about repairing your old windows just may be better than spending thousands on new replacements.